Ector County Utility District
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Community Utility Restated By-Laws
Ector County Utility District Restated By-Laws, as amended - Click Here
Recent Ruling on New Amendment of By Laws by Public Utility Commission
The company has experienced a substantial loss due to previous tenants’ delinquent payments. As a result, under their new bylaws passed in June, ECUD made the decision that property owners who rents property to another, and the tenant has water, wastewater, or trash collection services in their name, the owner of the property will be responsible for the tenant’s delinquent utility bills and any other incurred expenses. CPD investigation has determined that the ECUD has acted consistently with Substantive Rule §24.247(a)(4), relating to requirement to provide continuous and adequate service. The rule states any retail public utility which possesses or is required by law to possess a certificate of convenience and necessity or a person who possesses facilities used to provide utility service must provide continuous and adequate service to every customer and every qualified applicant for service whose primary point of use is within the certificated area and may not discontinue, reduce or impair utility service except for other similar reasons in the usual course of business without conforming to the conditions, restrictions, and limitations prescribed by the commission.