Ector County Utility District
Emergency After Hours:

Board Member Application Process
Review of Applications and Notice to Candidates
[Tex. Election Code Sec. 141.032]
Review of Applications and
Notice to Candidates
1. On the filing of an application for a place on the ballot, the authority with whom the application is filed must review the application to determine whether it complies with the requirements as to form, content, and procedure only. That is, the authority checks to be sure it was filed correctly and in a timely manner and that all required information is completed and attested to. [Sec. 141.032(a)]
2. Unless accompanied by a petition, the review must be completed not later than the fifth day after the date the application is received by the authority. [Sec. 141.032(b)]
3. If an application is accompanied by a petition, the petition is considered part of the application, and the review must be completed as soon as practicable after the date the application is received by the authority. [Sec. 141.032(c)] The petition is NOT considered part of the application for purposes of determining compliance with the requirements applicable to each document; that is, a deficiency in the requirements of one document may not be remedied by the contents of the other document. [Sec. 141.032(c)]
4. An initial determination that an application complies with the requirements as to form, content, and procedure does NOT preclude a later determination that the application does not comply, subject to Section 141.034. (Section 141.034 sets a deadline for challenges to form, content, or procedure. See IV. A. 6., below.) [Sec. 141.032(d)]
5. If an application does not comply with applicable requirements, the authority must reject the application and immediately deliver to the candidate written notice of the reason for the rejection. [Sec. 141.032(e)]
6. Application and any accompanying petition is public information as soon as it is filed. [Sec. 141.035] Therefore, any person may request a viewing or a copy.
The District has received the following ballot applications for the November 5, 2024 election:
Place 1: Jesus A. Sanchez/Stephanie Shaw
Place 3: Darrell O. Pando/Penny G. Wilkerson
Place 4: Linda Hall/John Kelly
[Sec. 52. 094]
A drawing must be held to determine ballet order.
Deadline: There is no deadline; however, the drawing must occur in order to timely finalize ballots for ballot by mail. SOS recommends in our calendars to conduct the drawing after the withdrawal deadline.
Notice: The District will provide notice to each candidate of the date, hour, and place of the drawing via telephone or email.
Notices - Click Here
Application - Click Here
Board Offices to be Elected
Board Member, Position 1 - Term expires 2024
Board Member, Position 3 - Term expires 2024
Board Member, Position 4 - Term expires 2024
Filing Deadline for the November 5, 2024, General Election
Notice, the filing period ends August 19, 2024, at 5:00 pm.
Completed application along with a copy of your current voter registration card or a copy of your warranty deed proving ownership of property within the District must be delivered to the District office, 1039 N. Moss Ave., Odessa, TX 79763 by the filing deadline. Under Order 2024-06-12.2 Adopting Fee For Place On Ballot, you must also pay a filing fee of $375 when filing the application.
Order Designating Position Number for Director Offices - Click Here
Order Adopting Fee for Place on Ballot - Click Here
Order Calling November 5, 2024 Director Election for Community Utility District - Click Here
Filing Deadline for the
November 5, 2024, General Election